Dexion Pallet Rack

We at WPRP like to learn as much as possible about our industry and the products available in Material Handling.  We are familiar with most of the products available in the US and have even put together a Pallet Rack Identifier to help our distributors determine the type of pallet rack at their customer’s location.pallet-rack-identifier

But what about European products?  We actually receive quite a few questions about European pallet rack that has landed into the US and now sits in a US warehouse.  One specific question recently inquired about Dexion pallet rack.  Since this falls outside of our US pallet rack knowledge, we reached out to our friends Dean Kahl and SEC in the UK.  SEC is one of the leading independent distributors of warehouse storage systems in the UK and has become great partners with WPRP in sharing information and leads.  In our conversations with our friends at SEC, we were able to learn more about Dexion and are happy to pass what we’ve learned on to you.dexion pallet rack


Dexion was manufactured by Dexion LTD in Hemel Hempstead, a city north of London until May 2003.  After Dexion ceased operations, the factory was torn down in 2004.  Although many believed that this was the end of Dexion, they had actually licensed Ramada Storax in Portugal to manufacture Dexion products in 1958 and added the Dexion Speedlock Mk3 from 1972 until the 1990’s.  Ramada Storax’s products were physically stamped with “Dexion Speedlock,” and the system was sold under the Speedlock MK3 brand name.
