It’s that time of year. Our little ones are back to school and they are bringing home more than just homework. Their hands are like magnets to all the germs lurking out there! We want to keep them healthy and happy, so we can stay healthy and happy! The number one thing to prevent sickness is very simple – wash, wash, wash your hands and then wash them again! Using antibacterial soap and giving those 10 fingers a good scrub will do wonders, but here are some other things to consider as well.

Vitamins – Taken daily, vitamins can really help boost your immune system, but vitamins, provitamins and supplements are as varied as the people taking them. Figure out what is best for you and start building up that immune system!
One thing you can’t find in a bottle is the sun. Vitamin D is very important, especially to those of you spending 8+ hours a day under fluorescents. Be sure to get out in the sun, even for 5 minutes, to get your daily dose of D.

Go for a Walk – Get an hour for lunch? How about spending half of it going for a power walk. Just adding a few extra steps to your day can have a huge impact on your immune system. You don’t have to run a marathon or spend hours at the gym. 30 minutes a day is a great start! If you can’t get out to do a quick walk during your lunch hour, at least get up and move around. Go grab a bottle of water, do a couple of stretches, take the long way to the restroom. Get those legs out from under the desk and get your blood flowing!

Flu Shots – Live virus or dead? Shot or mist? When is the best time to get one? Do they really work? Flu shots have always had some controversy around their effectiveness, have been called dangerous, and have even been blamed for horribly disfiguring after effects. Actually, the last part isn’t true, but since the flu shot isn’t 100% effective against every possible strain of the flu, it has gotten a bad rap. No matter what side of the fence you are on, this link is a great source if you need answers about the flu shot.

Tooth Brushes – What’s in your toothbrush? Oh, don’t ask, as I’m sure you really don’t want to know the answer….especially if you’ve been sick lately. Here are a few rules of thumb to remember: Change your toothbrush with the seasons. If you have a decent brush, the bristles should last approximately 90 days. Replace it after you have been sick. Seriously, even if it’s brand spanking new, just toss it. Be sure to give your toothbrush a good rinse with water after each use, not leaving traces of anything behind (check that your kids are doing this) and let it dry in the open air. If you want to be extra diligent, let it soak in mouthwash every once in a while. Mouthwash kills bacteria. You can literally hear the germs scream as they drown in the Listerine.

Cell phone – Another cool place for germs to hang out is on your cell phone and other electronic devices. These items are a little trickier to keep germ free and clean, so here are some steps on how to safely de-germ-ify your devices.

The list could really go on and on (Use a tissue! Cover your mouth!), but I will leave you with one last tip:

Sleep – Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Catch some ZZzzzs! Embrace them! Their power is only exceeded by their mystery, so be sure to get a night full of them.