Memorial Day is a special time for us to commemorate those men and women who have died for our country and served in the United States Armed forces to protect us.

WPRP Memorial Day
Indeed, Memorial Day is a special time at WPRP, and it is also typically the start of the summer season.  We plan for barbecues, vacations and time with family and friends.  We can add one more item to the list…it’s a great time to finalize plans for the for our material handling needs as we approach the final quarter of the year.

Seems like we shouldn’t be looking so far forward, but in business, it is the perfect time to make sure everything is in place for the busiest time of year…the end of the year!  Here are some questions to consider:

1) Have customer needs and inventory levels been projected for your busy season?

2) Do you have the required material handling equipment to handle projected inventory and is your warehouse space set up to provide 100% efficiency?

3) Has your warehouse been inspected for pallet rack damage and have damaged items been repaired or replaced?

4) Does your warehouse have pallet rack protection installed to minimize damage?

5) Does you warehouse have capacity signs posted to ensure the safety of your workers and prevent overloading that may cause accidents?

6) Does your warehouse team have all the tools they need to be 100% productive?

7) Have ergonomics for your workers been considered to ensure safe and effective operations of material handling equipment?

8) Have work areas been organized and surrounding areas uncluttered to prevent blocked aisles and space?

These may seem like the most basic questions, but sometimes, these are the most forgotten during day to day business.  As we approach summer, let’s plan our business as we do our vacations…meticulously! If you need any help with your planning process, just let us know.  WPRP Wholesale Pallet Rack Products is happy to help!  Feel free to call us 888-578-1579 or e-mail us.
From our team to yours, WPRP wishes you a Happy Memorial Day weekend!