Roll Formed Pallet Rack and Custom Colors


Many people know pallet rack as a product that comes in two primary colors —green and orange — and for good reason. It’s true that pallet rack uprights often come in a shade of green, and cross beams in a shade of orange. One of the reasons for green and orange racking’s ongoing popularity is its high-contrast, high-visibility look, which makes loading and picking product easier for forklift operators. Despite the popularity and commonality of green and orange racking, however, there is a wide ranging selection of other vibrant colors available on the pallet rack market to meet the needs of applications for which the basic green and orange scheme won’t do. The above photo, for example, affords an inside look at a crimson Ridg-U-Rak upright frame. Crimson is one of the 12 colors offered by the manufacturer — colors which allow businesses to keep their racking consistent with their overall color scheme.

Upon looking at this week’s Rack Art picture, one can also see the significant number of bends present in both the upright column and the frame’s lacing channels. While this feature creates, a smooth and polished look, its primary objective isn’t aesthetics. Rather, the bends in roll formed are major part of what gives the racking its strength. The more bends that are present in the racking, the stronger it will be. This is because roll formed racking is made from sheets of steel, which become stronger as bends are created in them in the manufacturing process. In this respect, roll formed pallet rack is the opposite of structural racking, which is weakened by attempting to add bends and is strongest in its original molded form.