Superstar Liza Richards from MHEDA shares about ProMat 2015
on “Would You Like Fries with That” featuring Linda Anlauf and Josh Smith.

Over the next 60 seconds, Josh Smith and Liz Richards from MHEDA Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association, will discuss why the Workforce Summit at ProMat 2015 is so exciting this year.

Video Transcript

Josh: Hi, welcome to our video mini series “Would You Like Fries With That.” We are live at ProMat right now and we are looking for Liz Richards…..Liz???

Liz enters flying through the air……

Josh:There you have it! Liz, thanks for joining us. Can you tell us what is so phenomenally exciting about ProMat this year?
Liz: Well, one of the most exciting things in my opinion is the whole Workforce Summit initiative that they are doing here at ProMat. Tomorrow we have 270 university and community college students coming to the show floor and many of our MHEDA board members are serving as tour guides and taking them on guided tours of the show floor. We have a whole program planned with Jeff Havens, some people may remember Jeff Havens from the Emerging Leaders Conference, so it’s going to be a really great day!
Josh: That’s awesome! So definitely make sure to check it out and tune in. Also make sure to follow us on Linked In, Twitter and Google+. I’m Josh Smith,

Liz: and I’m Liz Richards,
Josh: and that’s your 60 seconds.

At WPRP, Our Goal is to Help You and we are always excited to highlight experiences and opportunities with other organizations within the industry. We are a Major Stocking Distributor of Wholesale Pallet Rack Products and have been supplying the Material Handling industry for over a decade.