Row SpacerThis week’s installment of #RackArt is a cool perspective of a Row Spacer. Row Spacers are a valuable addition to your customer’s pallet rack system for several reasons.

Row spacers attach to the upright columns creating a flu space that keeps the back to back rows in line. Uniform rows will increase the efficiency of the system, and create an easier installation. Connecting the rows together makes a single structure and creates added stability to the system. The use of row spacers will also reduce side load stress. If your customer has a scenerio where the pallet rack system is very tall, but not deep, row spacers will offset any depth to height ratio issues, making it a safe and stable system for your customer’s warehouse.

So the next time you are quoting a project or walking through a warehouse where row spacers are needed, make sure to contact WPRP. Pallet rack row spacers are available at all of our quick ship locations (Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Illinois). Sizes vary from one location to the other but the most common sizes are: 6″, 8″, 12″, 18″ and 24″.  Check out our quickship lists for the most accurate product offerings.

At WPRP, Our Goal is to Help You. Contact one of our pallet rack specialists today to find out how row spacers can benefit your business and your customer’s pallet rack system.